Promesses non tenues du gouvernement. Un bébé malade sans soins

Santé. C’est une situation déplorable à Kribi, dans le Sud. Un couple vient de retourner de l’Inde avec un bébé malade, sans soins, du fait des promesses non tenues du gouvernement de la République. Le bébé en question a été victime des complications graves après avoir reçu deux doses de vaccin contre la fievre jaune.

Le reportage de Joseph Abena Abena

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How Impunity In Anglophone Regions Is Fuelling Rampant Rights Atrocities

The culture of impunity around grave human rights abuses committed in Anglophone Regions has, from observations, helped to encourage rights abuses at all levels to go on with such acts. From time to time, macabre acts are committed and when the issue is still hot in discussion circles, officials in charge quickly announce judicial investigations or even supposed arrests, but it often ends at that, and the issue dies down with no justice done for the victims. 

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Gov’t, Separatists’ Extreme Positions Risk Depriving Children Their Right To Education

In the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon, school-going children and their parents are caught in a catch-22 situation, where they most probably go against separatist fighters or government forces and administrators when they make a choice on which school to attend. 

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